Welcome to our free guide on how to organise furniture in a small bedroom

how to organise furniture in a small bedroom

Learn to arrange a small bedroom with your favourite furniture!


Ok, everybody, I have another guide for you!

Right, if you have a small master bedroom or a spare box room you want to furnish but are not sure how to –

Stop wasting time trying to figure it out alone—start exploring our content today and get ready for a stylish new look!

This guide on how to organise furniture in a small bedroom is what you’ve been looking for!

First, having a small bedroom doesn’t mean you can’t have great furniture and decor.

It just means that it requires more thought to ensure the space is used efficiently when organising furniture in a small bedroom.

By having a bedroom layout plan, you can create an inviting atmosphere by choosing a suitable colour scheme, arranging your furniture effectively and adding some clever lighting ideas for maximum effect.

Read on to find out how to easily organise furniture in a small bedroom!



Maximizing Space in a Small Bedroom

Maximising bedroom space
Maximising bedroom space


Ok, so before we jump into a more detailed discussion, here is a quick lowdown on maximising space in a small bedroom.

When decorating a small bedroom, the key is to maximise space without sacrificing style.

If you are starting from scratch, choosing the right furniture is essential for creating an efficient and aesthetically pleasing room.

Look for compact, multifunctional pieces that can be used to save space—especially if you want an open bedroom layout.


Such as:

  1. Beds with built-in storage drawers
  2. Ottomans that can double as seating and storage.
  3. Bed-settees and sleeper sofas which convert into couches
  4. Daybeds with trundles or pull-out couches that provide extra sleeping options when needed


Utilising vertical space is also important in a small bedroom; consider adding the following:

  1. Shelves or
  2. Hanging wall organizers to store items like books, magazines, and other knickknacks.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to create a stylish and organized bedroom, no matter how limited your square footage may be!

Summary of a few important notes to organise your small bedroom decor:

organise your bedroom
Organise your bedroom



Maximizing space in a small bedroom can be achieved by deploying a few bedroom furniture arrangement hacks!

For example, use:

  1. the right furniture
  2. utilizing vertical space
  3. designing with symmetry where possible
  4. and using multifunctional furniture.


Don’t let a small bedroom keep you from having the stylish and organized space of your dreams! Maximize space with compact, multifunctional furniture like beds with built-in storage drawers or ottomans that can double as seating and storage. #SmallBedroomGoals Click to Tweet


Once you know what type of furniture you have at your disposal, the next step is to arrange it in the best possible manner.


Arranging Furniture in a Small Bedroom


Arranging furniture in a small bedroom can be tricky, but with the right plan and some creative thinking, you can make the most of your space.


By considering the following steps, you can easily create an aesthetically pleasing and functional living area and save on home renovation costs.


Drawing up a floorplan will make your job much easier too.

Place the Bed in the Corner:


The bed should always be placed as the focal point of any bedroom.

This is especially important in a small room because it will help create an illusion of more space. Place your bed against a wall or corner with enough open space around it so it doesn’t feel cramped or crowded.

If possible, try to leave at least two feet between other pieces of furniture and your bed for maximum comfort and airflow.

However, if not possible, put a small, less intrusive piece of furniture next to it, like a bedside table.


Corner bed

Where to Put the Wardrobes in a Small Bedroom


When it comes to arranging furniture in a small bedroom, the placement of wardrobes is key. The wardrobe can take up a lot of space and should be placed strategically for maximum efficiency.


Positioning the Wardrobe


The best place to put your wardrobe is against an empty wall or corner. This will give you more room to move around and ensure that all your items are easily accessible.


If there isn’t enough space on one side, try splitting it between two walls or placing it diagonally across the corner if possible. Corner wardrobes are ideal for this job!


Ensure you leave enough room for doors to open without blocking other furniture, such as beds or dressers.



Utilizing Vertical Space


If floor space is limited, consider using vertical storage solutions like hanging shelves and racks above the wardrobe instead of taking up valuable floor area with extra drawers and cabinets.


You can also install hooks inside the door for easy access to frequently used items like scarves, hats, bags etc., freeing up more interior storage space for bulkier items like blankets and coats, which need more room than usual accessories do.


Using Mirrors Effectively


Mirrors are great additions when decorating a small bedroom because they create an illusion of depth by reflecting light into dark corners, making them appear bigger than they are!


Consider adding mirrors on either side of your wardrobe so that you have full-length views while getting dressed in front of it; this way, you don’t have to worry about squeezing yourself into tight spaces to check out how something looks from different angles!


Should I Use a Corner Wardrobe?

Stylish corner wardobe
Stylish corner wardobe


When it comes to furnishing a small bedroom, every inch of space counts. A corner wardrobe is ideal for making the most out of limited square footage as they are usually built in into an empty or unused corner.


Corner wardrobes are designed to fit snugly into the corner of a room, creating additional storage without taking up too much floor space.


Advantages Of Using A Corner Wardrobe


A corner wardrobe offers several advantages over traditional freestanding wardrobes or armoires when furnishing a small bedroom. The first advantage is that they can be used in any size room and still provide ample storage space for clothing and other items.


They also don’t take up as much floor space as other types of furniture because they are designed to fit neatly into the corner of a room.


This makes them perfect for smaller bedrooms that don’t have space for large furniture like dressers or chests.


Design Options For Corner Wardrobes


Another great thing about using a corner wardrobe in your small bedroom is that there are many different design options available, so you can find one that fits your style and needs ideally.


You can choose from single-door designs with shelves inside, double-door designs with drawers on either side or even triple-door designs with adjustable shelving inside each section so you can customize it to suit your needs exactly.


Various materials are available such as wood, metal, plastic and glass. This allows you to perfectly match the look and feel of your existing decor while providing plenty of storage space in your small bedroom.


There are also many mirrored corner wardrobe options too.


Maximizing Space With A Corner Wardrobe


By utilizing two corners instead of one wall like regular wardrobes do, this type provides more than twice as much storage potential without taking up extra floor area – making it perfect for those who have limited square footage but still need lots of closet organization solutions!


For more information on corner wardrobes, check out our article about why you need a corner wardrobe!



Where to Put a Chest of Drawers in a Small Bedroom

chest of drawers
Chest of drawers


Knowing where to put a chest of drawers can help you make the most out of your limited area and keep clutter at bay.


Utilizing Wall Space


A small bedroom’s walls are valuable for finding places for furniture. A wall-mounted chest of drawers can be an ideal solution as it takes up no floor space while still providing plenty of storage room.


It’s important to ensure that the wall is strong enough to support the weight, so use appropriate screws or bolts if necessary.


If there isn’t enough wall space available, try using floating shelves instead – they look great and provide easy access for items like books or accessories without taking up too much room.


Under The Bed


If you don’t have any free wall space, then another option is to place your chest of drawers under the bed frame. This will give you extra storage without sacrificing any additional floor area – perfect for smaller bedrooms!


Make sure that whatever type of bed frame you choose has enough clearance underneath so that you can easily slide out the drawer unit when needed; this could mean opting for one with legs rather than a solid baseboard-style design.


Alternatively, consider investing in an ottoman bed with built-in storage beneath its mattress platform – perfect for keeping clothes, and other items tucked away neatly!


Corner Units


For those who want something more aesthetically pleasing than just placing their chest against a wall or under their bed, corner units are an excellent choice as they take advantage of unused corners while providing ample storage capacity within their frames.


These types of chests come in various sizes and shapes, making them suitable even for tight spaces; some models even feature adjustable shelving allowing users to customize how much room each shelf provides depending on what needs storing inside them (e.g., folded clothing versus bulky items).


Plus, many corner units come with caster wheels meaning they can be moved around easily should your layout change over time!


Where to Put a Dressing Table in a Small Bedroom

Scandinavian dressing table style
Scandinavian dressing table style


Finding the right place for a dressing table can be tricky when decorating a small bedroom. To make the most of your space and create an organized look, here are some tips on where to put a dressing table in a small bedroom:


If you have enough room against one wall, this is often the best spot for your dresser. Place it close enough so you can easily reach items on top without stretching too far or getting out of bed. Make sure there are at least two feet between the wall and any furniture pieces next to it, like nightstands or chairs.


Against a corner wall. This is another excellent option if you don’t have much floor space but still want to fit in a dresser. Place it in the corner of your room with its back facing outward towards the rest of the room – this will help maximize available floor space while creating an attractive focal point in your bedroom design scheme.


At the end of the bed: Another clever way to save space is by placing a dresser at the end of the bed.


How to Place a Bedside Lamp Table in a Small Bedroom

Compact bedside tables
Compact bedside tables


One of the best ways to maximize the available space in your bedroom is by adding a bedside lamp table.


A lamp table can provide extra bedside storage and lighting while occupying minimal floor space. Here are some tips for placing a lamp table in your small bedroom:


Choose the Right Size Table: When selecting a lamp table for your small bedroom, choose one that fits comfortably within the room’s dimensions.


Measure the width and depth of your bedside area before purchasing to know precisely how much room you have to work with.


Avoid tables that are too large or bulky, as they will take up valuable floor space and make your room feel cramped and cluttered.


Position It Strategically:


Once you’ve chosen an appropriately sized table, think about where it should be placed in relation to other furniture pieces like beds, dressers, nightstands, etc., so that it doesn’t interfere with their functionality or obstruct pathways through the room.


Consider also whether there’s enough light around the area where you plan on putting it; if not, consider moving it closer to windows or adding additional lighting fixtures nearby, such as wall sconces or pendant lights above the table itself.


Lamp table functionality:


Think about what purpose this piece of furniture will serve in addition to providing extra bedside storage and lighting options; do you want it close enough so that items stored on top can be easily accessed?


Do you need somewhere convenient for charging electronics?


Make sure whatever design features included on your chosen model meet all these needs without compromising its overall aesthetic appeal within the rest of your decor scheme.


Optimize Storage Space:


Many modern-day lamps come equipped with shelves underneath them, which makes them perfect for storing books or magazines – but if yours doesn’t have this feature, look into purchasing separate shelving units that can fit snugly beneath most standard models (or even use stackable crates).


This way, everything stays neat and organised while leaving plenty of open floor space around them!


Maximising space through creativity and remodelling your room

Arrange your bedroom furniture
Arrange your bedroom furniture


Make Room for Storage Solutions:


To maximize storage in a small bedroom, look for multifunctional pieces like ottomans with built-in storage compartments or beds with drawers underneath them. This will allow you to store items out of sight while still keeping them close by when needed.


Additionally, consider hanging shelves on walls or installing hooks behind doors to keep things organized without taking up too much floor space.


Divide up space into separate sections.


Divide your room to optimize all available square footage without feeling overwhelmed by clutter or chaos.


Place dressers near closets for easy access when getting ready each morning and set up desks near windows if natural light is desired while working from home during daytime hours.


This way, you can create zones dedicated to specific activities such as sleeping, studying/working from home, and getting dressed.


Arranging furniture in a small bedroom can be challenging, but with careful planning and creative solutions, it is possible to create an inviting and comfortable space.


Next, we’ll explore lighting ideas for a small bedroom to help you make the most of your space.


Summary: When arranging furniture in a small bedroom, focus on making the bed the focal point and create separate zones for different activities. To maximise storage space, utilise multifunctional pieces like ottomans with built-in storage compartments or beds with drawers underneath them. Hang shelves on walls or install hooks behind doors to keep things organized without taking up too much floor space. Key Takeaways: • Place the bed as the focal point of any bedroom • Look for multifunctional pieces to maximize storage space • Divide tasks into separate sections within one room • Hang shelves on walls or install hooks behind doors

A few tips on making your small bedroom look bigger

Bedroom lighting
Bedroom Lighting


Choosing the Right Color Scheme for a Small Bedroom can make it look bigger.


When it comes to choosing the right colour scheme for a small bedroom, light colours are always a good choice.


Light colours create an airy atmosphere and can make the room feel larger than it is. You can also use monochromatic colours, such as shades of blue or grey, to give your bedroom a cohesive look without overwhelming the space.


Additionally, adding accent colours strategically can help bring life into the room while still keeping it from feeling too cramped.


Neutral and warm tones


Neutral tones like white, beige, and light grey will open up any space and create an inviting atmosphere that won’t overwhelm you when you enter the room.


For added warmth in colder climates or darker rooms, consider using pastel hues like blush pink or pale yellow, which will add subtle pops of colour without taking away from the overall airiness of your bedroom.


Use Monochromatic Colors


You can also use one hue throughout your entire bedroom, creating a calming effect that is perfect for small spaces since there isn’t much else competing with each other visually in terms of the colour palette.


If you want to go this route but don’t want everything to blend together too much, opt for different shades within one colour family instead; think navy blues mixed with powder blues or dusty pinks paired with rose quartz accents – these combinations will keep things interesting while still creating harmony between all elements in your room design-wise!


Add Accent Colors Strategically for inspiration.


Additionally, try incorporating natural materials like wood furniture pieces with a unique texture that adds dimensionality, even if they don’t necessarily contribute directly towards adding more vibrant tones into your decorating scheme.


This way, you’ll get both visual interest plus practicality all at once


The right colour scheme can make a big difference in making a small bedroom feel spacious and inviting.


By strategically arranging furniture and creating zones with different functions, you can maximize the use of your space while achieving a stylish look.


Summary: When organising furniture in a small bedroom, light colours are always an excellent choice for making the space appear larger and brighter. Monochromatic colour schemes also create harmony without overwhelming the room, while adding accent colours strategically can bring life into the space without sacrificing airiness. Key takeaways: • Stick to light colours • Use monochromatic colour schemes • Add accent colours strategically • Incorporate natural materials like wood furniture


FAQs in Relation to How to Organise Furniture in a Small Bedroom

bedroom layout
Bedroom layout


How do I plan a layout for a small bedroom?


Creating a layout for a small bedroom can be tricky, but it is possible.


  1. Start by measuring the room and deciding on the furniture you want to include.
  2. Then use graph paper or an online design tool to plan where each piece will go. Be sure to leave enough space for movement and access around all furniture items.
  3. Start with placing your bed against a wall or corner, making sure it’s not blocking any doorways.
  4. Then add other pieces such as dressers, nightstands and chairs around it while leaving enough space for walking around.
  5. Consider incorporating multi-functional pieces like storage ottomans or beds with drawers underneath to maximize space in your small bedroom.
  6. Place more oversized items along walls and smaller ones closer to the centre of the room.
  7. If possible, leave some open floor space, so you don’t feel cramped.
  8. Also, add accessories such as rugs, curtains, artwork and lighting that complement the room’s overall design while making it feel cosy and inviting.
  9. Finally, arrange your furniture with an eye towards creating pathways throughout the room that allow easy movement from one area to another without having to navigate obstacles.

How many pieces of furniture should be in a small bedroom?


Now there is no fixed number for this, but the essentials include:


  1. A double, single bed or bunk bed.
  2. Standard or corner wardrobe,
  3. A lamp table – This is the bare minimum (However, you could substitute the wardrobe with a chest of drawers).
  4. Next in line are; a chest of drawers, a wall mirror and, if need be, a dressing table.
  5. Then there are other pieces which can be seen as luxury items, such as a standing bookcase, workstation etc.

You can always use under-bed drawers if you need extra bedroom storage.




Arranging furniture in a bedroom doesn’t have to be difficult.

Our comprehensive guide provides tips and tricks on how to organise furniture in a small space, including ideas on layouts, storage solutions, and more.

By choosing a suitable colour scheme, arranging furniture strategically and adding lighting to brighten the room, you will be able to create an inviting, functional, and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

With these ideas in mind, you should have no problem organising furniture in a small bedroom!


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