Our 2023 Guide on How to arrange furniture in a long narrow bedroom

How to arrange furniture in a long narrow bedroom

How to maximize space and create balance in a long narrow bedroom



When arranging furniture in a long narrow bedroom, some simple tips and tricks can help you make the most of your space.


It’s essential to create balance and flow and maximise the available area so you can have an aesthetically pleasing room without feeling cramped or overwhelmed.


Colour and texture also play a role in creating harmony between pieces and ensuring each item is purposeful.


So if you’re looking for advice on how to arrange furniture in a long narrow bedroom, this blog post has all the answers!


Here we’ll cover ways to maximise space and create balance and flow with colour and texture – get ready for an easy-to-follow guide on How to arrange furniture in a long narrow bedroom!



Long bedroom

Maximise Space for The ideal Bedroom Decor


Making the most of a long, narrow bedroom can be tricky.


Utilising vertical space is crucial in maximising storage and creating a more spacious feel in your bedroom.


Consider using tall dressers, shelves, or wall-mounted cabinets for additional storage. Multi-functional furniture is also great for making the most of limited space; look for pieces that double as seating and storage, like ottomans with lids or benches with drawers underneath.


Finally, choose furniture that fits well within the room’s dimensions; if you have a small room, opt for smaller pieces such as twin beds instead of queen-size beds to avoid overcrowding the space.



Utilise Vertical Space


Using vertical space helps create an illusion of extra square footage in any sized bedroom by allowing you to store items up high where they are out of sight but still easily accessible when needed.


Tall dressers provide ample drawer space, while wall-mounted cabinets offer even more hidden storage options without taking up valuable floor area.


For example, install floating shelves above your bed and use them to store books or display decorative items like plants or artwork – this will help keep clutter off surfaces while simultaneously adding visual interest to your walls!


Use Multi-functional Furniture


Multi-functional furniture can make all the difference when saving precious floor area in small bedrooms – look for pieces that double as seating and storage, such as ottomans with lids or benches with drawers underneath, so you can get two uses out of one piece!


These furnishings are beneficial if you have little closet space since they allow you to store blankets, linens, clothing, and other items inside their compartments without having them take up too much visible real estate in your room.



Choose The Right Size Furniture


Maximising a long, narrow bedroom space can make it more extensive and inviting. To create balance and flow, consider dividing the room into sections with rugs or furniture arrangements to create a focal point.


Choose furniture that will complement the space in terms of size.


Tall wardrobes might be a better choice than large wide ones. another thing to keep in mind is the best size; if you can get away with a double over a king or queen, it will save you space and give you much-needed floor space too.


Section Summary: When arranging furniture in a long, narrow bedroom, it’s important to maximise storage and create the illusion of more space. Utilising vertical space, using multi-functional furniture pieces and choosing the right size furnishings can help you make the most of your limited square footage. 


small but neat storage closet

Create Balance and Flow


Creating balance and flow in a long, narrow bedroom can be challenging. To start, place more significant pieces of furniture at the ends of the room to anchor it and create visual interest.


This will also help make the space feel less cramped. Additionally, divide the room into sections with rugs or furniture arrangements to break up large spaces and give each area its own identity.


Finally, choose one piece as a focal point for your eye to rest on—this could be an exciting piece of art or a statement-making headboard.


How to place furniture for the perfect bedroom layout


When placing furniture in your bedroom, consider how it will look from all angles; this is especially important if you have limited floor space.


Utilise vertical space by adding shelves above dressers or bedside tables for books and other items that don’t need to take up precious floor real estate.


You can also use multi-functional furniture such as ottomans that double as storage containers or benches with drawers underneath them for extra blankets and pillows.


Choose pieces that are sized appropriately, so they fit comfortably without overcrowding the room; too much furniture can make any size bedroom feel cramped and cluttered!


Colours and texture


Incorporating colour and texture into your design scheme is another way to add depth and dimension to a long, narrow bedroom while making it more inviting at the same time.


Select colours that complement each other but still enhance the room’s overall aesthetic – think warm neutrals like taupe or muted blues like navy blue paired with cream accents for contrast.


Add textures such as faux fur throws over chairs or velvet curtains around windows to bring warmth into your design scheme while creating visual interest throughout different areas of your home.


Opt for cool tones like blues or greens to create an airy feel in your bedroom. If you’re looking for something more cosy and inviting, warm shades of reds or oranges may be better suited for your needs.


Additionally, adding throw pillows with different patterns can give your bedroom a unique look without overwhelming the space.


Section Summary


Creating balance and flow in a long narrow bedroom is essential for making the room feel spacious. With careful consideration of colour, texture, and furniture placement, you can create an inviting space that makes the most of your available space. Next, we’ll look at incorporating colour and texture into your design.


Essential Points: When arranging furniture in a long, narrow bedroom, it is important to create balance and flow. Utilise vertical space with shelves or ottomans that double as storage containers; choose appropriately sized pieces, so they don’t overcrowd the room. Incorporate colour and texture into your design scheme for depth and dimension; use wall art strategically placed around mirrors or nightstands for added drama. 


bedroom furniture


What furniture to use in a long narrow bedroom


 If you are trying to furnish a long narrow bedroom, it might be challenging to know which type of furniture to use. 


Just keep in mind that it is crucial to choose pieces that will maximise your space while making sure your room looks attractive. 


The right furniture pieces can make a big difference in how large or small your bedroom appears.


How to place a Double Bed in a narrow bedroom


When it comes to furnishing a narrow bedroom, finding space for a double bed can be a challenge. But with the correct planning and preparation, you can easily fit a double bed into even the narrowest of spaces.


Here are some tips on how to place a double bed in a narrow bedroom.


First, measure your room and determine what size mattress will fit comfortably. Ensure you leave enough space around the bed to access any storage underneath it and move freely in the room without bumping into furniture or walls.


Look for slimline designs of beds that take up less floor area.


Additionally, consider mounting floating shelves or cabinets on the wall above your bed to save floor space while creating more storage options within your bedroom.


If your narrow bedroom is for a single person or a shared child room, you can save space by using a single or bunk bed.


How to place a bedside table in a narrow bedroom


Start by measuring the area around your bed. If there’s not enough room on either side of the bed for two separate tables, opt for one wall-mounted option that fits snugly against the wall. 


If you want two separate tables but lack the necessary space, consider combining them into one more comprehensive piece with drawers or shelves across both sides of the bed.


You can use the same tips if you are using nightstands.


How to place a wardrobe in a narrow bedroom

chest of drawers 1


First and foremost, the wardrobe table must fit comfortably into the room without taking up too much of the available space. 


Measure out the dimensions of the area where you want to place the wardrobe table; this will ensure that it’s manageable for the area. 


Once you have established what size is necessary, look for furniture items with slim profiles and light materials, so they don’t overpower the room.


Try placing the wardrobes and other long and tall items like bookcases along the wall, free from doors and windows.


This way, you can use the other walls for items that might be smaller and easier to move around.


Dressing table


If you need a dressing table, look for pieces with drawers or shelves underneath so you can store items out of sight.


A dressing table can take up dead space, like being put in front of a window.


Chest of drawers


When placing a chest of drawers in a narrow bedroom, there are a few essential steps to consider. 


First, ensure you measure the available space and determine the chest size that will fit comfortably. 


If the room is tiny, look for pieces with clean lines and subtle details that will be manageable for the space. 


Additionally, try leaving enough room to move around and open drawers without feeling too cramped or cluttered. A good place for this could be at the end of the bed.


Next, consider which direction you want the chest of drawers to face. 


You may want it flush against a wall or in an alcove. Still, as long as there’s enough breathing room around it for comfort’s sake, any location should be okay.


Other Items


When selecting what furniture to use in your bedroom, consider placing tall pieces against one wall and a dresser on the opposite wall. 


This creates an adequate flow that will help keep the room from being cramped. 


Additionally, if possible, try adding two nightstands with lamps on either side of the bed – this will provide more storage and create visual balance in the room. 


To complete your look, hang curtains along the windows that contrast with your walls for an eye-catching effect and add an area rug underfoot for comfort and warmth.


Soft fabrics such as velvet curtains or plush rugs will add warmth and comfort. At the same time, hard surfaces like wood furniture provide contrast and visual interest.


Wall Art

wall art long bedroom


Incorporating wall art is another great way to add interest to any room. Whether a large painting hung above the bed or smaller framed prints scattered throughout the walls, artwork adds personality and character to any living space.


You could also incorporate wall art strategically placed around mirrors or nightstands for added drama in certain spots throughout your bedroom design plan.


You could even use mirrors strategically placed around the room which will reflect light and create an illusion of more space in this extended, narrow area.


Decorating a long, narrow bedroom? Remember to add colour and texture! Soft fabrics, hard surfaces, wall art, and mirrors will help bring life into the space – making it cosy and inviting. #decoratingtips #bedroomgoals Click to Tweet. 


Faq’s about How to arrange furniture in a long narrow bedroom


Subheading: How to Arrange Furniture in a Long-Narrow Bedroom


Arranging furniture in a long, narrow bedroom can be tricky. Here are some tips for making the most of your space and creating an inviting atmosphere:


  • Measure Your Room: Before you start arranging furniture, measure the length and width of your room so that you know what pieces will fit. This will help you plan where each piece should go before bringing it into the room.


  • Utilise Vertical Space: If your bedroom is smaller, use vertical space by adding shelves or hanging artwork on walls. This will open up more floor space while allowing you to display items that reflect your style.


  • Choose Multi-functional Pieces: Look for pieces that serve multiple purposes, such as ottomans with storage or beds with built-in drawers underneath them. These pieces can save valuable floor space while providing extra storage options for clothes and other items.


  • Place Larger Pieces First: Start by placing larger pieces like beds and dressers first, then fill in around them with smaller items like nightstands and chairs. This way, all the more oversized items won’t feel cramped together in one area but will spread out throughout the room evenly.


  • Consider Angles & Corners: Try to place furniture at angles or against corners rather than straight across each other; this helps create visual interest and opens up more walking paths within the room. Additionally, if there’s an awkward corner or nook, consider using it as an opportunity to add something unique, like a cosy reading chair or desk area.


How do you make a long narrow room look bigger?


Creating a sense of space in a long, narrow room can be challenging.


Making this type of room feel open and airy is difficult, but it can be done with the right design strategies.


When decorating carefully, you can make a long, narrow room look bigger and more inviting.


Firstly, use light colours on walls, floors and furniture to help bounce the light around the room and create the illusion of spaciousness.


Be sure to add plenty of mirrors that will reflect whatever light is in the room, making your space look brighter and more prominent.


Utilise multi-functional furniture such as ottomans that provide extra storage without taking up too much floor space or bulky pieces that extend into walkways.


How do you set up furniture in a narrow bedroom?


Most people think having a long and thin space means you need to forgo comfort and style, but that doesn’t have to be the case. 


Your narrow room will become a haven of restful living with the right furniture arrangement. 


Here are some tips on how to set up furniture in your long and thin living space.


When furnishing a long and thin room, it’s crucial to create an illusion of spaciousness. 


Use furnishings with tall legs or an upholstered bed with low-profile side tables to draw attention away from the room’s length. 


It would be best if you also considered using multi-functional furniture pieces such as ottomans or sofa beds, which can double as extra seating when needed.


narrow bedroom

Wrapping up


Arranging furniture in a long narrow bedroom can be tricky. Still, with the right tips and tricks, you can create an inviting space that maximises your available space.


By following the steps outlined above, such as maximising space, creating balance and flow, and incorporating colour and texture into your design scheme, you will have no problem arranging furniture in a long narrow bedroom.


With these helpful tips for arranging furniture in a long narrow bedroom, you’ll be able to ensure every inch of your room is used to its fullest potential!


Let us help turn your small space into something special today!


Suggested Reading:


How to Arrange Furniture in Master Bedroom: A Step-by-Step Guide


How to Arrange Furniture in an L-Shaped Bedroom: A Step-by-Step Guide for 2023

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